Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our Summer (Part 3)

We also visited Fort Worden. This is an old fort that was used until 1953 to protect the entrance to Seattle from invaders along the Pacific Ocean. These bunkers held huge 12-ton guns that could fire across the sound, in case anyone sent a ship in to get us. It must have worked, since we were never attacked they never had to use the guns to sink any ships.

They closed Fort Worden when it was no longer useful to have a fixed fort (we use subs and warships now), and now it is a state park. The kids had a blast exploring the bunkers and the tunnels underground.
The bunkers are a free-for-all, letting you climb all over the wall and through the tunnels.

There are no lights in the tunnels, so we had to use the flash on the camera to light the way.

Since Fort Worden is next to the ocean at Port Townsend, we spent a few minutes at the ocean before heading home. We've got to plan to go back and spend more time- this was a fun trip!

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