Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Vroom, Vroom--Cubanapolis Style!

Note: As soon as we can, we'll post the much-anticipated video of the parents' races of this event!
Friday night was Ben's Cub Scout Pack Meeting. This is a race where the boys decorate cardboard boxes and run around the gym. As they run, they occasionally have to stop at the "Pit Stop" where a family member changes tires (shoes), wash the windshield (spray bottle in the face), and fill up with gas (drink a cup of water.)

Ben spent a couple of days making his car. It was a super-fast black and red car. Ben's a lot like me (Tammy)--not too detail-oriented or crafty. So he was planning on bringing a box. Yes--just a box. Steve talked him into at least painting it. He went outside and spray painted it using some leftover paint from a Pinewood Derby car. When I mentioned that he might want to add some details, he just rolled his eyes. I got out some paper plates for wheels and some red and yellow paint for head and tail lights. (I got him excited about putting wheels on by telling him he could use the glue gun!)

Daddy was his "Pit Crew." He had a fun time running around the track.

The best part of the race was when it was the adults' turn! First, the dads ran the race.

Next, the moms ran the race. Well, some of the moms ran the race. I started jogging, but was quickly reminded (as pains shot through my stomach) that I'd just had surgery the week before!

Finally, siblings (including Steven) ran the race.

It ended up being a fun, little car! Way to go, Ben!

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