Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas Fun--Gingerbread Houses

So, this post is a little late! We've been a little preoccupied by other stuff--but enjoy the first post of our Christmas festivities~~

One of my fondest memories as I was growing up was decorating gingerbread houses with my mom. When we were in elementary school, we always made gingerbread houses for each of our teachers. (No wonder I was teacher's pet.) Mom helped us make the most beautiful houses. I've made them in the past with the kids, but I've always done most of the decorating. This year I had the kids decorate the houses by themselves. Mom always made the gingerbread. I cheated and bought the gingerbread houses through Ikea--I highly recommend them!!!

They turned out really well--not the elegant ones that Mom made, but they were their own and they were creative. (I'm bummed I didn't think to take pictures of the finished products!)

Steven took the idea of being creative to the extreme. He made a CSI gingerbread house. The poor gingerbread man had been massacred, so he turned the house into a crime scene. (There was A LOT of eye-rolling on my behalf!)

I'm really glad we restarted this family tradition. The kids already have plans for next year's houses!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Cute houses! Tammy, you're such a good mommy!