Saturday, May 19, 2007

Father-Son Camp 2007

I spent last night with Steven and Ben on our annual "Let's camp in the rain because drying wet tents is so fun" event.

We had a great time, despite a little bit of rain. I left work a bit early and took the boys to set up our tent at Game Farm Wilderness park, just down the hill from where we live. The nice part about camping so close is that we can go home to get anything we forget. The bad part is that I end up driving up and down the hill several times to get all of the little things that I could probably live without.

After a bit of catch, baseball, and kickball, we cooked dinner- hot dogs, to keep it easy. In fact, we just begged hot dogs off of one of our good friends so it was even easier than I thought it would be.

After a campfire put on by the Stake, we went back to our tent site with all of our friends from the ward. We spent several hours cooking marshmallows, eating snacks, and poking the fire. Finally around midnight we went to bed.

The morning started early, since it was our Ward's year to fix breakfast, and as YM President that luck task fell on me. Luckily, we have great people in the ward and everyone pitched in. We made breakfast burritos and fed 150 people by 8:00 in the morning.

I've gotten pretty good at drying out wet camping stuff. It had rained on and off all night, and especially in the morning, so I got to put my skills to the test again. I have our garage figured out- I know where all the little hooks are to hang my tent, rain fly, sleeping bags, and other camping stuff. Even on a wet day, the wind will usually dry it all out pretty quickly.

It was a lot of work, but alot of fun. The boys had a great time running through the trees with their friends.


Jonathan said...

It was a good time! Good to see you guys up and blogging!

We'll come back and check often

Jackie said...

Yeah! I'm glad you guys have a blog page. Austin had a great time playing with Steven and Ben at the Father's and Son's.