Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ben Stays Home from School

Hi! I'm Ben. I'm staying home from school for the second day in a row because I've had a fever. I wanted to go back today, but Mom said I had to wait because I was still sick last night.

Grampa and Grandma Lacey came to our house yesterday (and the day before and today). I taught my grampa how to play Poke'mon ruby. (It took him awhile to understand HP which is Health points or Hit points).

Before I got sick, I got to go to my friend, Chris's, birthday party. I gave him a 20 Questions Game. His birthday was fun.

I like staying home from school because I get to drink lots of 7 Up. After I do my homework I get to play video games a lot too.

Steven left to go to Camp Auburn. He left before I even woke up. (Mom's note: Camp Auburn is a 4 day, 3 night camp for all of the kids in the school district in the 5th grade. We'll have Steven tell you all about it when he gets back. Here's a picture of Steven with all of his gear.)


Jonathan said...

hope you start feeling better Ben!

Camille said...

Sorry to hear you are sick Ben, can't wait to hear about Steven's trip! Yahoo for Rachel learning to ride a bike without those training wheels. It's a big deal! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ben - Grandpa needs to keep up on all those cool video games!