Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sophie Sits at the Big Table

Another milestone has been met. Sophie has decided that it's more fun to sit at the table with the rest of the family than to sit in her highchair. So we went to the store and bought a booster seat Saturday. She was so excited!
Sunday, we learned that Sophia knows how to open the door to the garage. Rachel came in and told me she was out in the garage and wanted to come back in. She's gotten her fingers caught a couple of times--you'd think she'd learn that she shouldn't do that!


Jackie said...

So far we have kept Sienna in her highchair but I know if won't be for long. Sophie is growing up so fast, what a cutie!

Anonymous said...

I got your v-day card today. I cannot believe how TALL/GROWN-UP your kids are!! Steven and Ben were babies when I saw them last!! At least that's how it feels now! Thanks so much for the update. I lost the info to your blog when I "cleaned up" my computer files.

Nikki said...

Hi Tammy! I'm so happy that I got your Valentine's card. I LOVE blogs, so I'm glad to have your address. I put you on my links so I'll be sure to visit often! Our kids are very close in age! I have one in 4th, one in 1st and my baby is only a couple of weeks older than yours! How funny! Anyway, it's great that now I'll be able to keep in touch easier!

Stephanie said...

She looks so grown up-Wow!

Camille said...

What a fun milestone. She looks so big and so proud.

Kristy said...

Why can't I just let go like that! Keeping Jenna nice and confined is perfect for me! I think I need professional help!